Art Contest


Art Contest

Students have an opportunity to share their talent through painting, drawing, mixed media, photography, or sculpture.

Students may choose to illustrate the purposes and applications of the First Amendment that may include its history, adoption, and recognition of significant individuals involved.

Contest Guidelines

Theme: First Amendment
Eligibility: Open to all students K-12
Media: Painting, drawing, mixed media, photography, sculpture
Submission Deadline: Feb 26
Divisions: K-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12

Entry Rules

  1. All entries must be the student’s original work. No one else is allowed to alter it in any way.
  2. Works must be submitted as a digital image in JPG format only. PowerPoint format is not accepted. The image should be no smaller than 300 dpi.
  3. No personal or identifying information may appear on the artwork itself, so NO names, grades, teachers’ names or school names on the art.

If you have any questions or are having difficulty submitting your artwork send an email to:

Entry Deadline is February 26.
Awards and Prizes

Cash prizes will be based on judging criteria.

Grade 10-12: Win up to $500.00
Grade 7-9: Win up to $250.00
Grade 4-6: Win up to $100.00
Grade K-3: Win up to $75.00

Art Contest Judging Rubric

Theme:  The First Amendment

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Helpful Hint: Your art may depict all of the first amendment, or just one aspect of the first amendment.

Your artwork will be judged using these guidelines

50% Artistic Element

What is the overall impression of the art?
Does it stand on its own as an outstanding work?
Is it creative and original?
What is the quality of the artistic composition and overall design?

50% Thematic Element

What is the quality of the clarity and interpretation of the theme?
Is it creative and original?

Are you a teacher?

Empower Future Leaders: Join the First Amendment Commemorative Contests and Ignite Patriotism in Your Scholars!

Sign Up Your Students

Submit to the Contest

    Student’s full name

    Select the student’s grade

    Select the category you are submitting according to the student’s grade

    What is the name of your Art submission?

    Please upload your Art entry digital image in JPG format

    Enter the best email address to contact you about your entry

    Confirm your contact email address

    Provide a phone number where we can reach you about your entry

    Student’s parent or guardian name

    Enter your mailing address

    Zip Code

    Select your state


    Student’s School Name

    Student’s School Full Address

    School contact, teacher or principal

    School contact email address

    School Phone Number

    By submitting this entry I agree that the participating student is the sole author and owner of the attached file content, the student did not receive aid from others and did not use or copy any other propietary work.

    By submitting this entry, I agree to the contest rules, terms, and conditions, acknowledging that the student’s work will be distributed and shared to fulfill the judging and winning processes.

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    2023 Gallery Winners

    Thanks to all the participants who entered our latest contest

    Art Ideas For The First Amendment

    The founders of our nation believed that we must have the right to think, believe, argue, and worship freely, and, in turn, to express our beliefs to our fellow citizens and to our government as freely as possible. That idea—the freedom of conscience—is the core of the First Amendment.To help you come up with an Art subject, ponder 
these questions:



    Do you think the freedoms identified in the First Amendment would already be protected in a democracy where citizens have a role in shaping the government? Was it necessary to establish these rights in an official document?


    The First Amendment does not permit people to do anything they want to do. How and why are the liberties and rights of people not unlimited? In what kinds of situations do you think it is fair and reasonable to limit freedom of expressions?


    Are the First Amendment freedoms among the “self-evident” and “unalienable rights” referred to in the Declaration of Independence? What is the relationship of the Declaration of Independence to the Bill of Rights?


    What do you think about Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis statement that the founding generation “believed that freedom to think as you will and to speak as you think are means indispensable to the discovery and spread of political truth; that without free speech and assembly discussion would be futile; that with them, discussion affords ordinarily adequate protection against the dissemination of noxious doctrine; that the greatest menace to freedom is an inert people; that public discussion is a political duty; and that this should be a fundamental principle of the American government.”?