Terms and Conditions

Binding Agreement

Effective Date: 03 June 2020
Last Modified Date: 25 May 2023

Thank you for visiting HopeofAmerica.org (the “Site”).  These Terms of Use govern your access to and use of the Site.  These Terms of Use constitute a valid and binding contract between the operator of the Site, Hope of America, and you. Before you access, use, or join the Site, you must carefully review these Terms of Use.  If you have any questions following your careful review of these Terms of Use or do not understand any provision of these Terms of Use, please contact us at hopeofamerica@freedomfestival.org or consult an attorney before you access, use, or join the Site.  For the purposes of these Terms of Use, the Company and you may be collectively referred to as the “Parties,” and the Company and you may be individually referred to as a “Party.”


Binding Agreement.  These Terms of Use are a binding contract between the Company and you that governs your use of the Site and the Company’s operation and maintenance of the Site.
Sufficient Mutual Consideration.  Through your use of the Site (whether as a guest or a registered member), you acknowledge that the Parties to these Terms of Use have exchanged valuable consideration and that the consideration provided by each Party is sufficient to create a binding agreement.
Your Consideration.  The consideration that you provide to the Company is your agreement to be bound by the provisions of these Terms of Use each and every time that you use the Site.
The Company’s Consideration.  The consideration that the Company provides to you is permission to access the Site, whether as a guest or as a registered user, permission to interact withSite.
Notice.  You agree to have all notices provided by the Company regarding the Site sent to you in electronic form. For your ease of reference, please print a copy of these Terms of Use for your records. Alternatively, please write to us at hopeofamerica@freedomfestival.org to request a non-electronic copy of these Terms of Use.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Asperiores atque cumque deleniti, ex facilis fuga, nemo obcaecati omnis, optio perferendis perspiciatis quasi ratione sit voluptatem voluptates. Ad, alias aliquid amet, at blanditiis, consequuntur dolore ducimus eligendi eveniet ex in minus numquam officia officiis perferendis ratione recusandae rem sequi voluptate voluptatibus?